Friday, 14 December 2012

Things that Make Me Unhappy

text book

 Midnight calls: I really hate when those calls disturb my sleeps.

Annoying people

People don’t show up on time when agreeing to meet. Basically, I don’t like “lateness” in any forms.  

Having no foods in the fridge: this rarely happens since I usually stuff my fridge with enough food.

Being sick.

Being broke.

Being in the mall during the weekend -just too many people in there.

Partying with too many people. I’d prefer small parties with special people.

 Reading text-books. Hahahahaha... text books just make me sleepy and headache.

Unable to sleep at night. I was sort of night person and had bad insomniac. It’s really painful to wake in the morning.

What else? Uhhmmm… I hope, I have no more! 

Monday, 10 December 2012

Things to Make Me HAPPY

Lamb Korma
Bai Chai Restaurant, Kansas City, MO
OK let's get started! The first rule of this game is listing things that make me happy. Here you go:

1. Food --->food is always comforting. They calm all nervous and anger. Compared to other kind of foods, I love home-made foods because they are cheaper and (likely) healthier. I like a real food much better than fake food (read: I'd prefer "heavy" food rather than "snack" food.

2. Traveling --->being a stranger in strange places could take me to incredible experiences and it is priceless, like what a French writer, Collette, has written: "I'm going away to an unknown country where I shall have no past and no name, and where I shall be reborn again with a new face and untried heart..." Well, most people consider traveling as expensive, could not agree more! But somehow, there are ways to make traveling is less expensive. Most of the time, I spend my money on gasoline and tickets rather than on material things. No Good? Yeah, I know, but I can't resist the temptation.

3. My mom's cooks ---> My mom is not the best cook in the world. She never be able to cook weird food recipes or makes modification. Her kitchen only produces traditional foods. Indeed, she never tries to upgrade her ability. Since I was a little till nowadays, we never have new menu on the table. Her foods taste just standard. But for me, they make me so happy. Those things that I want to eat whenever I pay for visits. I never want to eat out during those visits. Her best speciality is pecel. :)

4. Getting a postcard --->You may say that I'm an old school type person, ahhh.. I don't care! I love sending and receiving postcards from friends all over the world. Although postcard are usually written with a brief text like “Hey, I’m in Venice and weather is nice” but it never fails me to imagine the ambience when the person who sent it wrote it. Also, they never fail me to smile and laugh. During traveling, each time I stop in a city, I was so busy to find a letter box to drop them. 

5. Grocery Store Hopping ---> You know, I don't like clothes shopping. They make me headache. I never spend too much time to buy clothes. But, I can spend more time in grocery store. Grocery store just makes me so happy with the smell of fruits, vegetables, cheese, deli, and everything inside.

6. Talking to Friends over Foods à Friends and foods just get so well together.

7. Waking fresh in the morning ---> nothing better than this. It makes my day!

8. Cooking---> I love cooking even though my cook turn out to be horrible. Hahahahah.

9. A smile à A smile is magic. I used to tell my friends, “smile, even though shit happens!” Well, if shit happens, I don’t usually smile, but laugh it loud! I love to laugh at my own stupidity.

10. A hug --->  I like giving hug or be given a hug. I know the magic power of a hug. It can calm down nervous, like food.

11. Listening to Iron and Wine ---> his songs are so shooting, just bring inner-peace. I love to listen to them days and nights. What are my favorites? Off course Trapeze Swinger, Southern Anthem, Her Tea Leaves, and many more.

12. Reading ---> yeah, it’s an absolute pleasure. But to tell you the truth, I exclude all kinds of text books.

13. Done with school ---> When I was done with my undergrad and busy working, I did pray to have a chance to go back to school. Yes, I love school since it offered me with lots of knowledge, new friends, teachers, networks, etc. However, the reading assignments and essays were hurting and too much.

14. Being with family ---> Like Ling McNamara has written, “Honey is sweet, so is family” Well, I don’t need to explain this phrase.

15. Recalling stupid things happened ---> like buying “unsalted salt” when in fact I needed salt! Or, read bus Number 04 as 40!

16. Remember when falling in love (one time or more in life) ---> like seeing his glittering eyes, looking at his dimples, etc. Sweet isn’t it?

17. Taking a long walk ---> Walking is not only to help us exercise, but I usually get so much idea while walking. In general, I love exercises. Hell, they make me happy as they produce endofrin.

18. A cup of a coffee ---> It was! I’m trying to give it up due to medical reasons.

19. Fall! I do love fall. It's my favorite season all the year. It's really pretty to see all trees turn to reddish, yellowish, and brown. 

20. Beautiful sunset ---> I'm a sunset hunter! during my stay in St. Louis, I'm well-known as a person who loved to take pictures SUNSET! 

What else? I’m gonna add if I find more and more! 

Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Idea of the Happiness Project

Gretchen Rubin's book. 
I was intimidated to make my own "Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. Well, I read her book based on her project yesterday - I spent the whole day read and skimmed it. Easily digest and inspiring! I found this book in one of second-hand bookstore in Charleston this Spring. I was in town during my deep-down-to-the-low-country road trip with Katie. I did not intend to buy this book because we went in that store for some board games. Along with this book, I bought Sedaris' "Naked".

But I guess it would be a little bit different -as Gretchen has written, it's unique to each individual, including myself. We'll see. 

But the most important thing I get to ask myself is, "Will I commit to this project?" I should answer "YES". I will COMMIT 100 percent - but I'm not promising to update everyday. But I'm curious myself about how this project will work and will impact myself -if any, considering the fact that I'm less happy and easy going these last few years -there are 

Just thing about that this project would be written in Indonesian and English -depending on my mood. :) 

When this project will start? Well, I'm thinking to start right away - I don't want to wait till January 2013 to start even though it's two weeks away. ASAP -as soon as possible. It could be today, it could be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow -considering I'm so procastinated in many points. :)) 

But well, I'm trying to be happier again! Although the level would be so much different! 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Body, Mind, and Soul

Eva, my pink bike in St. Louis

For some people – my family and some good fellows – found the fact that I’m having hypertension was quite shocking news. Among family and friends, I was known as a person, who exercises regularly and eats properly. In addition, I’m a semi-vegetarian for the last two years (I avoided red meat and chicken). I always picked the best foods I could get. Everyone around me always teased me as “ a person who always eat healthy foods, while others eat craps - J

I like extreme sports:
I ran a few miles almost everyday (when the weather was nice). Even I was planning to run in marathon.
I biked a lot (you can imagine biking from Mansion Hill to school, it felt like biking from one hill to another).
I did some weightlifting. I did aerobic.
St. Vincent Greenways
I walked a lot – I walked everywhere. And my farthest track was 12 miles in one day!
Well, I used Pedometer on my Ipod to count how many steps I ran or walked (then I converted into miles), I posted on daily miles sites what I got at last. I would happily see how many calories I could burn in one day. I was so obsessed of being healthy all the time (it’s impossible, normal people got sick although I did not get any sick in St. Louis for two years). I loved doing these stuffs since my house was surrounded by two bike and running trails: Ted Jones and St. Vincent Greenway.

I started to exercise regularly in 2007 when I found out that I was almost 60 kg and my body was so heavy. I got so exhausted easily. I felt my body system was so wrong. I told myself: “Hey, you need to do something (read: exercises) before it’s too late”. Since my father got stroke when he was so much young, I was afraid of being so. Then I decided to do some sports regularly. I did sports just for fun, but I could loose some weight. J

I did not remember when I could not longer enjoy sports as things to have fun, but merely a compulsory. I HAVE TO EXERCISE. PERIOD!!!

When I got back to Indonesia, I soon rejoined my old gym. I went to the gym five times a week – each day I spent around two hours exercising: combining running, biking, and weightlifting, and sometimes with aerobic too. I was quite obsessed with “working on my muscle.

I pushed myself too hard – maybe since long time ago, I did the same.

But I forgot two things to build: MIND and SOUL.

I never had a quiet mind. My mind was always busy thinking – and might be over thinking. I never let my mind resting; especially for the last two years.

My soul was so barren – I’ve been far away from God for a quite sometimes. I never had peace in heart. My heart was too busy as well t o get what I want – I have too much wants.

I was just so busy, too busy. Never resting. I was always rushing. Rushing.

Then, my body, mind, and soul screamed at the same time: STOP IT, I COULD NOT STAND IT ANYMORE!

Now, I began to understand the balance of  body, mind, and soul. I focused on “body” for so long, but ignored “mind and soul”. I made exercises/sports no longer as a medium to have fun like it used to be. I could not do that. I need to balance it with rekindle mind and soul.

PS: Dr. Huh suggested me to stop running and biking (at least for three months). 


A house at Battery area -Charleston, SC.

I’m currently living with my aunty: my dad’s younger sister. It’s been a month. Finally, after years of asking me to move in with her, I agreed to live with her. Well, I asked her to let me live in here – I was so terrified of living by myself after what had happened.

It was Thursday afternoon when I called my uncle in panic and frantically. I called my mom minutes early, I was crying. I asked my uncle to pick me up. I had been sick for a couple of days in Nadia’s house (my good fellow at college and the owner of my rented-room). But that day, I was so afraid and terrified. I condition was really bad: I was so thin and pale. I was sweating the whole time. My head felt like spinning around all the time. My stomach was lurching with acid. I could feel my whole body like “wrecking.” I really wanted to cry. I did cry, and this shocked everybody who knows me. I don’t remember the last time I cry, especially crying in front of my mom and my aunty. Even my niece commented, “I never see her crying… “ They took me to their house that afternoon. I just left my all belongings in my rented room (they’re still there now, I need to get them this month).

I uncle picked me up. I was planning to stay with them for a couple of days till I got better. Well, my plan changed then. I decided to live with them, and my parents are so happy this decision. Besides there are people who will take care of me, my parents are happy since I can feel living back to the society again. It’s been a while for me to live by my own. I spent 11 years in Surabaya all by myself, then two years in St. Louis. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I’ve been too far away from my family.

So, I’m living with my aunty, her husband, her 14 years old daughter, and a female cat named Putih (White). Next to her house are the in laws: two brothers in law, a sister in law, and a father in law (having Alzheimer). This house is quite full of dynamic – a household dynamic, you all know well.

Although my aunt’s house is quite far from my workplace (about one hour), it would not a problem (hopefully – I haven’t gone back to work since). Right now, my recovery process is the main priority. I feel contented and warmed living with my family. And, another good thing: due to my treatment with Dr. Huh and I’m having a strict diet, I can prepare my own meal. If I still live in the boarding house, it would be more difficult to meet the need. J

Friday, 2 November 2012

What I Miss from St. Louis

Apartment Kitchen

Kitchen is my sanctuary place: a place where I spent hours to release my stress and nerve wrecking due to studying. There stands pantry – my pantry where I store tons of spices, all kinds of pasta – angel hair, penne, and macaroni. Also, a lovely stove where I could bake cookies and cakes. If I open the fridge, I’d be delightful to see my cheese collection. Sweet!

PS: off course I miss my room –with the fragrance from artisan candles – and my roomies, a person who can make an awesome Thai spicy sauce aka sambel.

Library is the most memorable place at school to me. I could still describe all the things there: the front yard, the benches, the entrance, the lobby, and even the smell. I hanged out most compared to other places at school,
I used 3rd floor to use computer, do the homework, see people, and make friends.
I used 4th floor to sleep (a quick nap)
Thomas Jefferson Library, UMSL
I used 5th floor to poo (lol – habis paling sepi sih).

Whole Foods Market
It one of the best places on earth!!! As I walked in the store, I could see buckets of flowers on my left. The fragrance from flowers well-mixed with the smell of fresh-baked deli. All kinds of fruits also welcomed me. I walked through the fruit and veggie aisles, and the cheese aisle was next to them. Every time I was in this aisle, I was always astonished with hundreds of the cheese collection. I always summed up my visits to Whole Foods with having lunch or dinner at the deli bar. The foods were just too good to be true; you could choose anything you want to eat, then cashier would measure your food. Kale was my favorite item. As it was a paradise to me, I never minded to spend hours to get there (I took two train lines – red and blue – and walked more than a mile from the station. It’s quite far from my place…

De Loop and Forest Park
Kayak's that overlooks Forest Park
I usually took a long walk through these routes: De Loop – Forest Park. From UMSL North metro station, I usually got off at Delmar station, then walked along de Loop: smelling great scents from restaurants along the way such as Pi Pizzeria. Occasionally (when the weather was nice), I would go to Kayak’s Coffee for a cup of cappuccino and sat outdoor for an hour or two: watching the passersby and sexy joggers at FP. Then, I would continue walking through miles park, and took a train home from FP station.  

Great Cappuccino Along the Way

Although I don't drink coffee these days, I can make a good list of the best cappuccino I enjoyed along the way. Cappuccino was (still is) my favorite drink from coffee. I love the blended between coffee, milk, and foam at the end. It tastes really good. While sipping it, I can enjoyed the ginger cookies or something else. Perfect drink for a perfect moment. Hayyyyaaaaahhhh. Compared to other coffee drinks, cappuccino could be a little bit pricey. I guess because of the blended of milk and coffee. 

I'm making the ranking by excluding franchise coffee shops like Kayak, Panera, Peets, Illy, and others. Most of the list are locally-owned business (as far as I know). Great coffee does not mean that the coffee is great, but also the ambience.

So, here is the list:
Cafe Berlin, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Berlin Cafe Cappuccino

The best of all goes to Cafe Berlin's cappuccino. This cafe locates next to Wabash station. It's locally-owned and ran by a family (the same owner with Root Cellar grocery if I'm not mistakenly heard). Aside from good coffee and cappuccino, this place is well-known of its omelet and waffle. Therefore, this place is a perfect place for your brunch. It only opens over the weekend (from Friday evening-Sunday). 

I went to this place for the first time on my 31th birthday. I was so damn sleepy that morning after had a late night sleep and woken up early in the morning to have a Iedul Adha prayers. I enjoyed my birthday brunch with a couple of strangers I knew that day and one good friend. So, whenever I visited Columbia, I would not miss to stop by to this cafe. 

Pony Espresso, SSB 2nd Floor, University of Missouri, St. Louis (UMSL), St. Louis, USA

Well, I had this cappuccino almost every day. Shannon is my favorite and best barista all the time. This cappuccino was really my soul to keep my eyes awake during my evening classes. Shannon and her café are savior for me and most of my classmates. I took my friends who came to town to taste the cappuccino and they could not agree more. Thank you Shannon!
Smile Cafe, downtown Summerville, South Carolina, USA

It was coincidence to stop by at this cafe. It was Sunday and K's family brought me to the church with them. I was staying with them during Spring break 2012. So, instead of leaving me alone at home with Max, Fatty, and Little Miss, they were taking me as well to the church. After the mass, K's father was attending Sunday school. So, K decided bringing me to take a walk along the park and old houses to the town hall. All the stores close on Sunday since people would choose to go to church or spend their time with their family. 

I was so sleepy (always)... lol. K told me that there's a cafe at the corner but she was not sure whether the cafe opens or closes. We just headed there without too much hope. It opened that day! So, I grabbed a cup of medium size of cappuccino and macaroon. They're just SO DAMN GOOD!!! Bitter and sweet went well together. Hahahaha. 
Creamery, the Biltmore House, Asheville, North Carolina, USA
It is part of the Biltmore House Complex. Besides cappuccino, this place is mainly well-known of its bread pudding and ice cream. The chefs made the foods based on the Biltmore family’s secret recipes. Situated with Cedric Tavern and winery, this place was just so perfect!

The Hut, San Francisco, CA, USA
The Hut is part of Golden Gate Natural Reserve Area. I found this café coincidentally. I was waiting my three friends. Boring. So, I decided to walk around, and there she was, the café was there. I came inside, grabbed one medium cup, and enjoyed it in the cloudy and foggy day. San Francisco was just so gray.  

Common Ground, downtown Denver, CO, USA
Grabbed a cup there during my West Coast road trip in the cold morning. I found this café by myself. I had Peets one hour earlier. In fact, I haven’t finished my Peets. But I remembered that I was at the downtown and tried to find this café. Adrian was my barista. He gave me extra foam when he knew that I was going to take the picture from my coffee.

Millcreek Coffee, Salt City Airport, Utah, USA
I was back again to SLC for my connecting flight from Las Vegas to St. Louis. It was around dusk. After enjoying the beautiful scenery of Utah and SLC, we touched down at the airport. I was half awake because of lack of sleeping and tired. I saw this coffee shop, and I walked in. Grabbed one medium cup, and got also some bars of homemade chocolate. Their chocolate was just so great!

Ted’s Bulletin, Washington DC
I would say, Ted’s cappuccino was just so-so. But, this place was an epic. Founded years ago, this place is well-known for its burger. Even President Obama usually grabbed his cheese burger from this place. If you sit outside, you may see street musicians play some jazz next to Ted’s.

Intel's -downtown Chicago.
Aside from those cappuccino served by several different local stores, during fall break 2011, I enjoyed two cups of cappuccino in two different places. Good ones, though not the best one. One was “Intelegentsia” in downtown Chicago (closed to the Millennium Park), and another one was in Madison, Wisconsin. I forgot the name of the store in Madison. 

I forgot the name of the shop.. J
Madison was such a small capital town – and it was near to Thanksgiving. The stores at the downtown were about to close. With three friends, we were walking aimlessly – from one store to another to see cute stuffs. Then, I saw a coffee shop. So, we went inside and had some cups. Well, the store also served free bread crump. J

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Visit to Doctor Huh's

I can still remember vividly to my first visit to Dr. Huh's clinic. It was Saturday 13th. Arlene took me there after my uncle dropped me outside XO Suki Ngesong. I could not remember how I looked at that time, but I do remember that I felt so weak and restless after poor sleep for several weeks (then people told me that my face looked so pale and white!).

I was taken to a treatment room. Arlene was there for me. Yani, Dr. Huh's nurse check my BP. She was shocked to find out that my BP. It was 150/100! She hurriedly called Dr. Huh. Dr. Huh came to the room and asked me to undress my t-shirt, then he carefully checked my pulse rate and heart beat. It was 115 in one minute. I could see his face so worried. Arlene explained that I'd been to a doctor and acupuncture before. Then Yani asked me whether I'd taken the medicine. I explained my situation with my previous doctor, then Yani asked me to take the pills and relax. "We'll see if your BP would go down.... "Initially, Dr. Huh refused to treat me to seeing my situation. They left the room. I did not know what's happening outside my room. I heard Dr. Huh also checked Rey's BP and heart beat. I was left alone in the room for 15 minutes, almost fell a sleep.

They're back, and checked my BP. My BP went down to 130/80. Then Dr. Huh started to treat me. He put 19 acupuncture needles in my body. Then, they left me alone again for 30 minutes.

After I was done with the treatment, Arlene walked in the room. She explained in a soft but clear voice: "You could get stroke if you came late for the treatment. You've been with high BP for a quite sometimes. So, the treatment may take around 2-3 months. You're lucky as your BP went down. As it was not, Dr. Huh might ask you to go to Emergency Room... " I was shocked, but felt a little bit relief. I can still be treated. It's OK if it's gonna take sometimes. Arlene also told me about the cost for the treatment. She needed to explain in advance since it could be consider a little bit costly. I said yes to the cost.

baked brie at Sixpence Cafe, Savannah.
(kinda miss this food)
If I recall the first visit to Dr. Huh's office, I was still quite terrified. But it's OK now. This visit is the beginning of the strict diet I'm currently doing. I need to see him twice a week for a treatment. Well, he does not only treat for my BP, but also for my acute gastritis. Also, he did a chiropractic to my back last Monday! :)

PS: I cooked Indonesian chicken soup today! It tastes really GOOD.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Salt and Coffee

deep dish pizza at Pi Pizzeria, St. Louis
It's been 10 days I'm on a strict diet based on Dr. Huh's suggestion. I can't eat something hot and spicy, sour, fried and grilled foods, and too salty foods. In addition, I can't drink alcohol, coffee, and drink from fermented rice and cassava. Some fruits must be avoided such as durian and jackfruit (no problem, I'm not their big fan). Also, I need to avoid all instant and processed foods (No problem at all). Besides all those foods, I can eat everything such as fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish.

It is a problem to have a strict diet?
Yes, and No.

Well, it's not about the kind of foods you eat. I get used to avoid some kinds of foods since I had been a semi-vegetarian for more than two years. But the problems lie on the "can't eat hot & spicy and sour" :P. I'm a big fan of something spicy and sour, especially during the PMS (Pre-Menstruation Syndrome). My mouth wants to crave or eat something spicy and hot; something that really makes me mouthwatering... :)). As a foodie, I like foods with rich flavor. I don't like something too salty, but I love something tasty! I can imagine, how food in a plate could be tasted really really good or not. Also, as a foodie, I've traveled to several places in and outside Indonesia and tasted traditional and ethnic foods. I love foods in general. Food is not just something you can eat to make your tummy full, but it's an art. It's hard to how tell that food is an art. But it is. During my study time in St. Louis, kitchen was my sanctuary place and food blogs could light up my hard times.

Avoiding fried foods sometimes become a huge problem too. Well, since I was a kid, like most Indonesian, we grew up with fried foods, like tempe goreng, tahu goreng, ikan goreng, bakwan, kerupuk, etc. All those fried foods make everything so delicious. We don't use to with everything boiled and steamed.

My favorite cappuccino at Kayak's Coffee
Prohibiting drinking coffee and al is no longer a problem. I quitted drinking coffee and al (this one, I swear, I will NEVER touch it again). Coffee was my favorite drink. I was well-known as a coffee lover. Wherever I traveled, I always looked for the best coffee shops in town. As I traveled in Indonesia, I always bought coffee as souvenir for friends, family, and myself. During my time in St. Louis, I drank 2 to 3 cups each day. And people were really astonished in a way I made my coffee (two  spoons of grounded coffee for one medium cup). Crazy was not it? :P.

For al, I was an occasional-social drinker. I usually drank at home (I took red wine all the time), and I drank outside, like in a pub or friends' houses whenever I felt convenient with people around me. For me, quitting this one is NOT a PROBLEM at all.

Since my food is so specific, no one would have enough time to cook for me (I live with my aunt and she's busy working during the day. She does not have much time to cook. She usually just buys ready foods or cooks something simple or cooks in the evening for the rest of the family members). So, I need to cook by myself!. Well, I love it, although cooking all natural would make my brain confusing. What should I cook? What spices I should put on the foods? That's a big problem. They foods usually come up with plain and tasteless, LoL. In order to create a fresh foods and a little bit rich in flavor, bandeng is my savior. I can make asem-asem bandeng, it's the most glorious food these days.

All people around me take a pity look on me.. :)). Yeah, am I miserable? Not really. As I avoiding those foods (especially grilled and fried), I could see that my skin becomes lighter). And, I would have this kind of strict diet for about 3 months.. :)).

Wish me luck, guys.

PS: I should  have told you, that I lost a few pounds due to this diet since I also have difficulty in craving snacks. I crave no snack...

Friday, 12 October 2012

Recent Life: SICK

I've been sick for several days. I got hypertension. One thing that I was really afraid of since years ago. Now it happens.

Deep in my heart I was still curious why. Yeah, why? I exercise regularly and I'm a semi-vegetarian. But nothing is impossible.

I did and planned everything well... It seemed like "I won't get sick since I follow the rules of healthy life... " But many things were missing: I never have time to take enough rest. I was just too busy with working, meeting (other) people, and having fun outside home. I did not have enough time for just doing nothing and being with my family. I've been away from them too long.

Now that I'm sick, I'm back to my family. And I see how these things really have roles in my phsycology.

I don't think I can write more this time. My brain needs a lot of rest!