I have ever read one of the story that Paulo Coelho has written in his book, Like the Flowing River, about travel differently. I agree with his opinion. He wrote, travel differently means: avoid museums and temples. Otherwise, be involved with local people and daily activities of the places that we're visiting since museums only tell about the past and travel with less people since traveling in group makes us talk our own language in foreign country. Above are most of his main ideas.
Regarding to my Thai Trip with Bebe and Emmy last week, we did not go to what Coelho has said. We went to many temples (until we said, No Wat-Wat! Wat means temple). We involved ourselves to what local people did. We went to the markets and to the parks. We traveled with three of us, spoke our language, even though sometimes spoke English and simple Thai language. We learn Thai people habits, how to acts with them, how they are very polite and friendly people, even though they do not speak English well (I do not speak English well either, hehehehe). Even, we went to Pattaya's night life's. We went to Alcazar Cabaret's Show, walked along the streets and saw many hookers. We scared. We are really impressed with our trip.
One thing that was surprising us, they always stand up when they hear their National Song. We saw it first in Tammasat University. There was Graduation Day. Many students came to university with the parents. The event was live on University Broadcasting. We were in the University Cafe. We ate. Suddenly, all of the people in the cafe stood up for moments. All of the activity seemed to stop. We did the same thing. Stood up and wandered. After the song finished, they continued their activities. They talked each other as before, they cooked as before, and other activities. Later we know, every 6 PM, national song is always played during that time. People stop from activities, to stand up, and arise their nationalism.
Other that also impressed us is, some buses are free, including the Air Con Buses. It's new policy from the current government. Our new friend, Tham said, that the policy addresses to increase the number of tourist as well as to increase the public support to the current government. But many people, can get the advantage from this policy. I asked some people, and they agreed. They can save transport money and can use them for others, and so does the tourists. We can save our transport budget, hehehehehe.
Top of which, I conclude, Emmy, Bebe and I, can know each other better. I often say, that traveling is always the same. It means that, maybe we go to the "same places" such as beaches, markets, temples, etc. We have many temples in Indonesia. We have more beautiful beaches. We also have many traditional markets. What makes it different is EXPERIENCE. We experience being alien in foreign country, try to understand their language and habits. Even, conversed our money to theirs, eat their food, etc. It's better to make us grew up.
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