Penyakit beser saya, yang membawa saya ke petualang di toilet. Hampir semua tempat yang saya kunjungi, saya tinggali kenangan. Bahkan di NW 25, saya masih sempat poep!
Nah,toilet-toilet di Indonesia sangat standar, basah dan kotor! Meskipun juga di mall-mall, dan tentu saja bandara! Cengkareng atau Soekarno-Hatta yang notabene bandara internasional, bau dan kotornya minta ampuuun! Kalau kita mau bandingan, tidak usah jauh-jauh sampai ke Eropa atau Amerika Serikat sekalipun,bandara Suvarnabhumi bersihnya minta ampun. Wastafelnya saja sudah super canggih dengan menggunakan sensor. Tinggal tempatkan tangan kita di bawah kran atau di dekat sensor maka air sudah akan keluar dengan sendirinya. Begitu juga dengan sabun. Kita tidak perlu tekan, pencet atau geser, sudah keluar dengan sendirinya.
Kalau mau yang lebih canggih, ada bandara Incheon di Seoul, South Korea. Kalau dibandingkan Suvarnabhumi, bandara ini jauh lebih keren dan bersih. Toiletnya saja, di bowlnya di letakkan plastik. Kita cukup tekan mesinnya, maka plastik yang ada di atas bowl akan berganti dengan sendirinya. Di toilet itu sudah ada tulisannya. Yeha, biar kita tidak jijik untuk duduk di atas bowl, atau kita takut kena infeksi, virus atau bakteri. Belum lagi, di dalam toilet yang dilengkapi, tidak saja dengan nursery room, tapi semacam fitting room. Tempat kita ngemas wajah dan baju kita. Tempat kita dandan-lah. Tetapi, pihak bandara juga memasang foto dan nomor telpon dari petugas kebersihan yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kebersihan toilet itu. Kalau kita kurang puas dengan kebersihan, kita bisa telpon dan komplain. Wah, kurang canggih apa??? Ini mungkin juga ada kaitannya dengan orang-orang Korea yang super higienis (kayak yang terlihat di film-film drama Korea itu).
Nah, kalau standar toilet di USA, sudah standar seperti itu. Kering, dan menyediakan alas untuk bowl tapi dari paper hasil recycle. Untuk toilet, ada yang pakai sistem flush, ada yang sensor tapi ada juga dengan gabungan flush dan sensor. Wah, yang bingung kalau yang sistem sensor. Coba kalau sensornya gak jalan. Seperti yang waktu saya nunut buang hajat di St. Paul Minneapolis. Wah, sempat panik juga. Sebelumnya saya coba kencing disana oke, sistemnya bisa jalan. Tapi, waktu saya buang air besar, sensornya tidak jalan. Alhasil, saya harus nunggu beberapa saat....sampai sistem benar-benar jalan. Kalau tidak, saya akan menunggu toilet sepi dan seterusnya ngacir... Wah, gaptek deh. Toilet saja pakai sensor!
Yang paling unik itu toilet di pesawat internasional. Toiletnya pakai standar vacuum. jadi bisa lebih hemat air. Sengasaranya, mereka tidak bisa membersihkan kotoran (maap, tahi), dengan bersih. Harus berkali-kali ditekan. Tapi, itupun tidak akan bersih 100 persn. Harus dicoba beberapa cara sampai sisa-sisa kotoran itu benar-benar bersih! Setelah berak di NW 25, saya jadi kapok berak di pesawat! BENAR-BENAR TIDAK MAU!!!!
PS. Menurut teman-teman cewek satu rombongan, mereka mendapatkan kesimpulan rahasi tubuh saya yang relatif kurus dibandingkan dengan mereka, yaitu, karena saya lancar ke belakangnya...dimana saja bisa. Sekedar catatan, dalam perjalanan ke Reagen DC, saya poep 4 kali! Bukan karena saya maniak poep, tapi karena saya tidak pernah merasa tuntas berak....Maaf, postingan ini agak menjijikkan!
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Prague: City I Want to Visit

Entah kenapa, Praha menjadi kota yang benar-benar ingin aku kunjungi. Saat ini, dan beberapa waktu mendatang.
Mungkin, karena baru saja aku menyelesaikan Traveler's Tales: Prague and Czech Republic. Dalam travelogue itu, ditulis artikel-artikel tentang Prague oleh orang-orang yang pernah tinggal disana, atau orang-orang yang lahir disana, kemudian menjadi exile di tempat lainnya. Benar-benar sebuah buku yang sangat menarik.
Aku kemudian membayangkan, kota tempat 3 K dilahirkan (Kafka, Klima dan Kundera). Aku membayangkan berjalan di atas cobblestone, menyusuri Charles Bridge diantara gedung-gedung dengan campuran berbagai macam arsitektur: Baroque, Gothic, Renaissance, Cubist, Art Nouveau, Neo-Classical dan Ultra Modern. Diantara barisan katedral, taman kota, dan semua yang ada disana.
Kota ini atau lebih tepatnya negara ini, adalah negara yang telah mengalami banyak masa/sejarah yang mengagumkan. Dari jaman tidak komunis-menjadi komunis-dan menjadi tidak komunis lagi, setelah terjadinya Velvet Revolution.
Namun, jauh sebelum aku membaca buku bagus itu, kita bertiga: Tika, Bebe dan aku, di gazebo FISIP UNAIR, 10 April 2006. Kita sepakat, lima tahun dari waktu itu, kita bertiga akan bertemu di Prague.... Dari detik itu, Prague is already in my mind.
Prague, wait for me.....
Friday, 26 December 2008
Happy Holiday
Hmm..rupanya aku agak lama juga tidak update blog, di alamat manapun. Bulan-bulan kemarin adalah saat-saat yang sangat sibuk tidak karuan! Harus menyelesaikan aplikasi dan mempersiapkan keberangkatan ke US. Now, I'm back.... Kembali ke Surabaya dan suasana yang panas haruendang....
Nanti, pasti akan aku ceritakan tentang semuanya, hal-hal yang aku dapatkan.
Nanti, pasti akan aku ceritakan tentang semuanya, hal-hal yang aku dapatkan.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Minggu Yang Menyusahkan Banyak Orang
Minggu ini aku benar-benar merepotkan banyak orang. Sampai-sampai Pak Dekan bilang begini "Kamu ini sedang mengerjain dekan, dengan menulis rekomendasi (tulisan tangan)?" Aku hanya menunduk sambil tersenyum simpul, merasa bersalah sekali. Betul juga, aku "mengerjai" seorang dekan, untuk menuliskan rekomendasi beasiswa pada seorang former mahasiswa yang: lulus 11 semester, TOEFL pas-pasan, keinginan tinggi, dll.... Aku ingin tertawa geli, tapi mau bagaimana lagi???? Minggu ini urusan aplikasi itu harus selesai, karena Kamis aku sudah harus ada di Jakarta. Jum'at rencana berangkat. Semoga Bandara Suvarnabhumi sudah dibuka lagi. Kalau tidak, ya aku tidak tahu, apakah penerbangan akan dialihkan, atau dipindah, ataupun ditunda.
Nah, yang mengharukan rekomendasi dari Pak Dosen. Karena Pak Dosen tidak mau menulis tangan, rekomendasi diketik sama si Bapak. Dan, akhirnya aku harus mencari orang untuk membantu menuliskan tangan karena tidak mungkin aku menuliskannya sendiri. Menurutku, rekomendasinya sangat bagus sekali. Sangat personal. Seperti, dia adalah orang yang benar-benar mengenalku. Sangat-sangat mengenalku.Si D yang aku mintai tolong sampai bilang begini "Ini tidak terlalu personal sekali, Mbak? Apa tidak terlalu bias gender? Dia kok menyebutmu sebagai rural-villager?" Aku tertawa saja. "Tidak apa-apa, memang seperti itu"
Jujur, aku banyak dosa dengan dia. Banyak sekali. Sampai kapanpun, aku merasa dosaku tidak pernah akan habis dengan dia. Duh, orang ini adalah orang baik yang pernah aku kenal. Sumpah....orang paling baik yang aku kenal, dengan semua ketidakdewasaanku terhadapnya. Dia adalah orang paling baik. Dia berkata seperti ini, "Aku hanya ingin kamu dapat beasiswa ini, dan kamu sekolah lagi" Yah, dia adalah sepertiku, yang percaya, bahwa pendidikan lebih tinggi adalah sebuah cara bagi sebuah perubahan.
Terima kasih kepada semua orang....
Nah, yang mengharukan rekomendasi dari Pak Dosen. Karena Pak Dosen tidak mau menulis tangan, rekomendasi diketik sama si Bapak. Dan, akhirnya aku harus mencari orang untuk membantu menuliskan tangan karena tidak mungkin aku menuliskannya sendiri. Menurutku, rekomendasinya sangat bagus sekali. Sangat personal. Seperti, dia adalah orang yang benar-benar mengenalku. Sangat-sangat mengenalku.Si D yang aku mintai tolong sampai bilang begini "Ini tidak terlalu personal sekali, Mbak? Apa tidak terlalu bias gender? Dia kok menyebutmu sebagai rural-villager?" Aku tertawa saja. "Tidak apa-apa, memang seperti itu"
Jujur, aku banyak dosa dengan dia. Banyak sekali. Sampai kapanpun, aku merasa dosaku tidak pernah akan habis dengan dia. Duh, orang ini adalah orang baik yang pernah aku kenal. Sumpah....orang paling baik yang aku kenal, dengan semua ketidakdewasaanku terhadapnya. Dia adalah orang paling baik. Dia berkata seperti ini, "Aku hanya ingin kamu dapat beasiswa ini, dan kamu sekolah lagi" Yah, dia adalah sepertiku, yang percaya, bahwa pendidikan lebih tinggi adalah sebuah cara bagi sebuah perubahan.
Terima kasih kepada semua orang....
Monday, 13 October 2008
After Holiday
It's been a long while not up dated my blog. Where have I been?
My lebaran holiday was over a week ago. Now, back to office, continues the senada project. I had bad mood last week. I was really mad to Mojo, and I did not do my works. I got my period last week. So, I was easily tensed.
I'd like to finish my work this week. Since, I have to go Jakarta this weekend and spend it with some friends there....
My lebaran holiday was over a week ago. Now, back to office, continues the senada project. I had bad mood last week. I was really mad to Mojo, and I did not do my works. I got my period last week. So, I was easily tensed.
I'd like to finish my work this week. Since, I have to go Jakarta this weekend and spend it with some friends there....
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Change Never Changes

My ideas always change. A few months ago, I told my friend Tika.
"Hei, I wanna get scholarship, and I know how to get it. I'm working hard on it now" That's what I told her confidently. She agreed with me, and she'd like to take the same way. She has the same dream with me: get scholarship and get away from work for a while.
Now, I think, I've changed my ideas. I'm a little bit discouraged. It's all back to my old dreams. I wanna be traveler and writer instead of post graduate student. I wanna real school. Life itself. Being traveler which means always travels from one place to others, gotta know what local people do, learn their cultural and languages, are what I always want to do since decades ago.
I have two dreams, actually. Traveler and Writer. It means that I want to write places that I have visited.
Lucky me. For the last few days, I read Avgustin's backpacking experiences through Middle Asia and Tibet. They become voices in my head, to push me move forward.
Citing to two Paulo Coelho's works, The Alchemist and The Fifth Mountain,about how everyone can fulfill his/her personal legend. It's the main idea of these two books. Even though in The Alchemist, focuses on when you have dream, the universe would work to help you (how we dare to catch our dreams). While in Fifth Mountain, everyone has been destinied to be SOMETHING. Sometimes, we deny it by being something else. At the beginning, we're very sure about our being. Later, we find, that is not what we should be.
Coelho has experienced it himself.
Since he had been a little boy, he would like to be a writer. Instead of being writer, he worked as composer in record company. He was at his peak of career when his boss fired him all of sudden. He became jobless, then. Good side of this event was, he remembered his dream: BEING WRITER.
What happens to me?
I become researcher instead of traveler and writer. Off course I write. Off course I travel (to do some researches). But the different is, my work is quite "serious work" And me? Such kind of not serious person who does not like serious matters such as politics. But, my work has close relation with politics such as local politics, local government policies, as well as I criticize national government policies. The truth is, I'd prefer to write movies or books reviews, traveling or life. They're more fun!
But, I do thanking God for what I get. And never stop to find my personal legend. Maybe I will. Someday. Who knows.
PS. I envy my best friend, Faishal. He really knows what he wants, and what to do. He told me how he knows exactly what he wants: since he's married. Then he suggested me to get married. I exclaimed, "What????!!!! Marriage is not panacea."
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Generation Gab

I have a few teenagers friends. They are around 17-23 years old. Someday, we had topic of discussion. What would you miss, if we turn the clock to 50 years ago? I said nothing (but at last, I realized that I would miss my freezer). They said many things. Such as internet, TV, and off course, their NDS. I asked them back,
"What NDS?"
"It's a kind of new Nitendo. A portable one" They replied. I nodded. Later, I knew many things that portable such as PSP (Play Station Portable) as well as DVD player portable. Wow, anything is portable now! I did not know what was a cross in my mind, I asked them again.
"Do you know Karl May?"
"Who is he ???" They shook their head. At the same time. Then, I explained them who is Karl May and what he had written. About Winnetou, and about his adventures in Balkan and Arab that is known as Kara Ben Nemsi.
Then, I thought, that their views and mine were very different. I love and many old things. I told them, one thing that I would do, if we go back to 50 years ago was reading horse, and do some adventures. They shook their head. Did not understand my ideas. More over, when I told them about Karl May. I grew up with more natural and genuine life. With many good stories, that told were told parents and elder people. We learned wise things. It was when the number of TV's were very limited, and books seemed the only source of information. I remembered how I saw the world from books. I believe that books are the world's windows. Books became part of my life as well as NDS becomes part of their life today. I'm sure, that our view is also different.
Between generation, there is always be gab. But, it makes the world goes round, doesn't it? Only change, that never ends.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Thai Trip: The Journal

6 A.M, Emmy, Bebe and I headed to Cengkareng by airport bus from Blok M. We slept at 3 in the morning. As we sat in the bus seat, Bebe and Emmy fell to sleep. I could not sleep at all. Emmy and I did not take shower due to bad sleep. I hoped we did not hit by the traffic. Jakarta is unpredictable. They both slept soundly. 7.30, we arrived at the international departure terminal. We got inside, but the check in service had not opened yet. So, we decided to get some breakfast. We wanted to eat rice. Only Mc D provided rice. I hate Mc D. But, I had no choice. We went there, and ordered some menus. While we were eating ours, a bunch of mums were coming to Mc. D. They sat next to us. Most of them wore JILBAB. They talked very loudly. Some of them, were smoking, including ones who wore JILBAB. We were a little bit surprised. Emmy said, they might had the same destination with us, BANGKOK.
8.30 A.M we got inside. Check in had been opened. They checked our tickets and passports. We paid the Duane, and went to the waiting room. The flight was on time. It took off 10 A.M. The flight took 3,5 hours. Emmy and Bebe also slept during the flight. I fell a sleep at last, after I had had hard try.
13.30 the plane landed smoothly. We were shocked by the Suvarnabhumi Airport. How huge and cool it is. We compared it to Cengkareng. It did not take long time to check in the Custom. They checked our passport, and form. They took our picture as well.
We did not what to do and where to stay. As soon as we arrived, we looked for Bangkok Map and how to get to the city. Before went to city, we decided to get lunch. We had lunch in Chinese Restaurant, eating Peking Duck. The taste was not too bad. I also got some coffee.
After we got to Bangkok, we could hardly find hotel. We had not booked any hotels yet. Fortunately, we found a cozy inn, Khurana Inn in Pratunam District. It belongs to an Indian. It costed 1.800 bath/night for 3 persons (the real price was 1.926 bath. We did good bargain. It also provided breakfast). During the night, we still looked for find other hotels, since we thought that our hotel was too expensive.
August, 14, 2008
We planned to go to Grand Palace. But, we had to go to Indonesian Embassy first. Bebe had to get her Indonesian Visa. Since she had left Indonesia, she had to get new Visa so she could be back to Indonesia. Her flight back to Dili was from Bali in August, 24, 2008. It took only 30 minutes. We did not know what bus destination to Grand Palace. We asked to embassy's security. They could not speak English. But they said, Number 2. We went to the nearest bus stop. We took bus No. 2, but it did not stop in Grand Palace. We had to transfer to other buses. During the time we knew, that some buses had no fare. FREE! The bus dropped us somewhere. We had ideas what the next bus we should take. Fortunately, we met a spouse. The wife spoke good English. She showed us what the bus we should take. Fortunately (AGAIN), we would take the same bus.
It was midday. The traffic hit Bangkok so badly. The bus moved very slow. We perspired. I felt very thirsty and little bit dizzy. Finally, we got to Tammasat University, next to Grand Palace.
The entrance fare to the Grand Palace was 300 bath. We should well dressed. We could not wear impolite dress such as sex dress, or short pants. The tourist were full. It was also very hot. I could not stand! I drank much water and still felt exhausted. We also starved.
5 o'clock, we headed to Tammasat. We had decided to have lunch there. There was graduation day in Thammasat. The uni was very busy. There were lot of students and their parents. We could hardly went inside Tammasat. And found the huge cafe. We ate fish noodle. I had ordered rice previously. But the taste was awful, so I ordered the other menu. We stayed in Tammasat until 6.30 PM.
Next destination was Suan Lum Night Bazaar. But, there was no direct bus there. We could go there by MRT. But we had to go to Hualampong first. We took bus from Tamasat to Hua Lampong. We were not sure about the bus. Fortunately (AGAIN) we met two good people, Tham and Big who work in Tammasat. Tham was counseling. Tham's English was good. So we had no difficulties to get some information from him, including the new policy of free buses.
We were in Suan Lum till drop. And I felt very dropped too.... I felt very bad and very tired. I just wanted to get to the Inn and sleep. 1 AM, we got the INN.
August, 14, 2008
We spent the whole day on the river. Chao Phraya Boat Trip. We buy one day ticket, 130 bath in Saphan Taksin (ferry Centrum and also BTS station). We could take any boats and any destinations. Today, we found that our inn, was near to Ratchatewi BTS station. But, we interchanged in Siam BTS Station.
Along the river, we saw many buildings and settlement. The guide said, that most of the settlement were Chinese. For centuries, Chao Phraya has become the heart of Bangkok and Thai people. How it shapes the life of people there. It connect one place to another. Although the river itself was not clean and had blue water. I saw plenty of enceng gondhong floated on surface.
We dropped at Wat Arun (temple of the dawn). We were there for almost 2 hours. I was so amazed with this temple. It's really beautiful. It is made from ceramics. So colorful. Seemed very old. It has sharp stairs. It was so different from other temples in Thailand. It has the similar pattern of Cambodian architects.
Then, we continued our river journey (it reminded me to The Adventure of Huck Finn). Even when the sun went down, we were still there. Getting in with any boats without knowing the destination. We also got lost by getting into boat that would not return to central (saphan taksin). Fortunately, somebody told us. Again, we thanked God....
On our way home, we dropped to Siam Discovery. We went to Asia Bookstorem where I bought 3 books (one was for free). I bought Haruki Murakami's After Dark and Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman and one from Paulo Coelho's, Manual Book of Warrior of Light. Then, we ate at a good restaurant. Piri-Piri Chicken Restaurant. It was a Portuguese Restaurant. The food and beverages were delicious. Bebe ordered piri-piri chicken, and I ordered chicken roast with lemon and herbal.Oh, what good food, after a few days with fast food, and irregular dishes (we usually had breakfast at 10 in the hotel, lunch 5 o'clock and dinner was around 11 PM). Then we went to Khurana.
August, 15, 2008
It's weekend. We would like to go to Jatujak Weekend Market. Cited from Tham, Jatujak means Square. It was used to be in Tammasat (now is Tammasat Park). Since the market had been inappropriated, the government moved it to the new Jatujak, near Sirikit Square.
We went shopping. Bebe and Emmy went holic (hehehehehe).
It was still morning. The market had not been so full. But, when the clock showed 1 PM, the market became more crowded. I've finished with my shopping (I did not need much time to do shopping). Then, I went to park near the market. The Jatujak Park. This park was huge and connected to BTS and MRT station. I was there, waiting for my friend. But, I really enjoyed the park. The grass was so green. I saw people chatting, laughing and eating. The children were playing. Some lovers were wooing each other and some others were fighting and started to woo. I've never seen such beautiful park like this in Surabaya. Nobody littered and smoked. The park had also canal with small boats. There were also many pigeons.
By the sunset, I saw beautiful rainbows. I was so happy. I took many photos.
August, 17, 2008
We went to Ayuthaya today. We took economic tran from Hualampong. It cost 31 bath. But the train was cleaned. I sat next to handsome Thai boy. But, he could not speak English. I tried to speak to him. But, his answer was unclear. It took 1,5 hours to Ayuthaya. It was old city and used to be Bangkok capital. There were many ruins.
We rent tuk-tuk. 150 bath/hour. Our driver's name was Somshuk. He's Moslem. He noticed us, at once. He, and his wife took us went around. And, we had Moslem 's food for our lunch. Emmy and I drank Siam Coffee. We arrived back in Bangkok about 9 PM. We also met station officer who helped us much. He said, that he comes Cambodia. His name was unclear.
August, 18, 2008
We went to Pattaya by bus from Eastern Bus Station in Ekkamai. We went there by BTS. It cost 128 bath for VIP. The bus was not too bad. It took about 2 hours. I was sleeping along the way. I was so sleepy. I had bad sleep, and had to wake up earlier.
10 AM we reached Pattaya bus station. A man (later we know as Ton), brought us to Tourism Center. We knew a nice girl, name Dao. She helped us to book the hotel and offered us Alcazar Cabaret Show. The hotel was 1.650 bath/night. And the entrance fare for cabaret show was 500 bath. She also offered us a free city tour. Ton took us around. Since he was handsome, we teased him. Later we knew that he's gay. Hmmm....He took us to Big Budha, the highest place in Pattaya so that I could take Pattaya city from above.Then, to Germ Gallery at last.
To wait the night, we went to the beach. It was not beautiful. So dirty, either denotative or conotative. Many plastic rubbish in the sand, as well as many hookers along the beach.
8 PM, we went to the show, and met a bunch of Indonesian, Korean and Japanese tourist. The show was not bad. It took 1,5 hours. After the show, the artist held photo session. But, we had to pay a few baths.
August, 19, 2008
We went back to Bangkok. Bebe's visa has finished. We had lunch at Clean and cheap restaurant. The menu was good. Along the way back to Khurana Inn, I found CD's store. I saw 2 Joni Mitchell's records. I wanted so badly to buy them. But, I just had a few baths to buy some traditional foods.
After got back to Inn, I had Thai Massage... Wow, lekker!!!!!
We went (one more) to Suan Lum Night Bazaar. The rain fell hard (August, starts the rainy season in Thai). I spent time in cafe. Had some weird experiences. I bought some traditional foods.
August, 20, 2008
Last day in Thailand. We went to Central World. Had lunch there. Wow, pretty nice food court! Emmy and I killed the time by seeing electronic gadgets.
Our flight was 20.15. But, at 4.50 we headed to airport. We're afraid of traffic that probably hit us. It cost 400 baths to the airport. We arrived earlier. But, it was no problem. Our flight delayed, but they did not give information. We go starving. And, I found that my money only left 200 baths. The food was expensive. Burger King as my dinner (I hate fast food!!).
The plane took off in 21.30. So, we would get Jakarta at 00.30 in the morning at August, 21, 2008.
Finally, back to the real world.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Some Love Folklores

When I was in Jakarta last year for my Zomer Cursus, I met my old friend. A boy. We had up and down relation during the college years. He took me to some awesome places in Jakarta (I hate Jakarta, but he could show me other face of Jakarta). We went to Fathahilah museum, Wayang museum, Ancol, and Sunda Kelapa Harbour at last. We took some wonderful pictures there. While he was holding my camera, he took a woman's picture. Snapshot. That woman was also taking pictures of her friends. He said, "She is pretty, isn't she?". I said, "Yes, she is" As the night has fallen, we decided to go home. I went to hotel where I stayed. And he went back to his boarding house. He had appointment with his friend. A few days later, I went back to Surabaya.
Two months later, he sent me an SMS. He said, he had an appointment with the girl that we met in Sunda Kelapa. They would meet in a coffee bar.
I asked him, "How did you find her? You even has not met her before"
He replied "Through internet" I wondered, how came. I heard some same stories. But I still wondered. Then I googled his name. And, I found how he finally found her. Through magical website. My friend and that girl are member of that web.
They met a few times before they decided to be lover. Until now, they are still together and have decided to go to the next level. Hmmm...
But sometimes, I still wonder..
It reminds me to a movie SERENDIPITY.
My classmate, for almost 10 years had relation with the same guy. Since Junior High School. They knew each other very good. So did their family. They started to have relationship when my friend was 12 years old. And the guy was at the same age. Once, she told me, that his boyfriend was the only one who understand her. They could completed one another. Took and gave between them was really amazing. They were just inseparable. Nothing on earth could set them apart. They spent their youth with this relation.
When my friend in the third year of college, her boyfriend broke her up. Without any reason. I wondered, she did not even cry. She laughed. Other girls in my class were crying, said sorry to what happened to her. Even though they broke up, they continued to call each other. Shared stories. Chatted each other. Just like when they were together.
One month later, she heard that her ex got married. To one that she never knew. She said, "It's OK. He's not for me" She continued her life alone. One month passed, then she found that it's not easy to forget her ex. Then she realized, that it was so hard to live without him. They grew up together. Spent their youth. Something that made my friend does not lose him, they still have good relationship. They still be friend. Tell each other stories. Maybe it is really hard to do so.
A week ago, my friend admitted, that her ex, has stolen all of her youth. She had no choice when she was young. She never went out with anybody else but him. That is why it's so hard to forget him. I understand and agree with her.
It is the folklore from my other friend. A woman. Once, she told me about her current relationship. With a married man.
"I fall in love with the right and wrong guy" she said in her thrilling voice.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
" See, I had irregular life. Messy. I had bad relation with my parents. I could not manage my life well..." I nodded. I knew her life. We close. We share the same ideas in books, films and visions. I also knew, how messy her life was.
"He can change me. He's the right guy to love. I love him so much. And so does he. But...the wrong thing is, he belongs to other woman and his children. Although I can say, his wife is not a good wife. Their relation is cold, long after before he met me. But, still, he is a wrong guy for me." she answered me sadly. Her love folklore has not been finished yet. We'll wait for the ending. Is is happy ending? or something that unending?
Everyone has his/her own love folklore. So, I conclude nothing. No moral lesson. But, love is something that never ends, as long as human beings take O2.
When I was in Jakarta last year for my Zomer Cursus, I met my old friend. A boy. We had up and down relation during the college years. He took me to some awesome places in Jakarta (I hate Jakarta, but he could show me other face of Jakarta). We went to Fathahilah museum, Wayang museum, Ancol, and Sunda Kelapa Harbour at last. We took some wonderful pictures there. While he was holding my camera, he took a woman's picture. Snapshot. That woman was also taking pictures of her friends. He said, "She is pretty, isn't she?". I said, "Yes, she is" As the night has fallen, we decided to go home. I went to hotel where I stayed. And he went back to his boarding house. He had appointment with his friend. A few days later, I went back to Surabaya.
Two months later, he sent me an SMS. He said, he had an appointment with the girl that we met in Sunda Kelapa. They would meet in a coffee bar.
I asked him, "How did you find her? You even has not met her before"
He replied "Through internet" I wondered, how came. I heard some same stories. But I still wondered. Then I googled his name. And, I found how he finally found her. Through magical website. My friend and that girl are member of that web.
They met a few times before they decided to be lover. Until now, they are still together and have decided to go to the next level. Hmmm...
But sometimes, I still wonder..
It reminds me to a movie SERENDIPITY.
My classmate, for almost 10 years had relation with the same guy. Since Junior High School. They knew each other very good. So did their family. They started to have relationship when my friend was 12 years old. And the guy was at the same age. Once, she told me, that his boyfriend was the only one who understand her. They could completed one another. Took and gave between them was really amazing. They were just inseparable. Nothing on earth could set them apart. They spent their youth with this relation.
When my friend in the third year of college, her boyfriend broke her up. Without any reason. I wondered, she did not even cry. She laughed. Other girls in my class were crying, said sorry to what happened to her. Even though they broke up, they continued to call each other. Shared stories. Chatted each other. Just like when they were together.
One month later, she heard that her ex got married. To one that she never knew. She said, "It's OK. He's not for me" She continued her life alone. One month passed, then she found that it's not easy to forget her ex. Then she realized, that it was so hard to live without him. They grew up together. Spent their youth. Something that made my friend does not lose him, they still have good relationship. They still be friend. Tell each other stories. Maybe it is really hard to do so.
A week ago, my friend admitted, that her ex, has stolen all of her youth. She had no choice when she was young. She never went out with anybody else but him. That is why it's so hard to forget him. I understand and agree with her.
It is the folklore from my other friend. A woman. Once, she told me about her current relationship. With a married man.
"I fall in love with the right and wrong guy" she said in her thrilling voice.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
" See, I had irregular life. Messy. I had bad relation with my parents. I could not manage my life well..." I nodded. I knew her life. We close. We share the same ideas in books, films and visions. I also knew, how messy her life was.
"He can change me. He's the right guy to love. I love him so much. And so does he. But...the wrong thing is, he belongs to other woman and his children. Although I can say, his wife is not a good wife. Their relation is cold, long after before he met me. But, still, he is a wrong guy for me." she answered me sadly. Her love folklore has not been finished yet. We'll wait for the ending. Is is happy ending? or something that unending?
Everyone has his/her own love folklore. So, I conclude nothing. No moral lesson. But, love is something that never ends, as long as human beings take O2.
Thai Trip: The True Things

I have ever read one of the story that Paulo Coelho has written in his book, Like the Flowing River, about travel differently. I agree with his opinion. He wrote, travel differently means: avoid museums and temples. Otherwise, be involved with local people and daily activities of the places that we're visiting since museums only tell about the past and travel with less people since traveling in group makes us talk our own language in foreign country. Above are most of his main ideas.
Regarding to my Thai Trip with Bebe and Emmy last week, we did not go to what Coelho has said. We went to many temples (until we said, No Wat-Wat! Wat means temple). We involved ourselves to what local people did. We went to the markets and to the parks. We traveled with three of us, spoke our language, even though sometimes spoke English and simple Thai language. We learn Thai people habits, how to acts with them, how they are very polite and friendly people, even though they do not speak English well (I do not speak English well either, hehehehe). Even, we went to Pattaya's night life's. We went to Alcazar Cabaret's Show, walked along the streets and saw many hookers. We scared. We are really impressed with our trip.
One thing that was surprising us, they always stand up when they hear their National Song. We saw it first in Tammasat University. There was Graduation Day. Many students came to university with the parents. The event was live on University Broadcasting. We were in the University Cafe. We ate. Suddenly, all of the people in the cafe stood up for moments. All of the activity seemed to stop. We did the same thing. Stood up and wandered. After the song finished, they continued their activities. They talked each other as before, they cooked as before, and other activities. Later we know, every 6 PM, national song is always played during that time. People stop from activities, to stand up, and arise their nationalism.
Other that also impressed us is, some buses are free, including the Air Con Buses. It's new policy from the current government. Our new friend, Tham said, that the policy addresses to increase the number of tourist as well as to increase the public support to the current government. But many people, can get the advantage from this policy. I asked some people, and they agreed. They can save transport money and can use them for others, and so does the tourists. We can save our transport budget, hehehehehe.
Top of which, I conclude, Emmy, Bebe and I, can know each other better. I often say, that traveling is always the same. It means that, maybe we go to the "same places" such as beaches, markets, temples, etc. We have many temples in Indonesia. We have more beautiful beaches. We also have many traditional markets. What makes it different is EXPERIENCE. We experience being alien in foreign country, try to understand their language and habits. Even, conversed our money to theirs, eat their food, etc. It's better to make us grew up.
Why Random Thoughts?
Why Random Thoughts?
This morning, on my way to office, I read Haruki Murakami's book, Blind Willow Sleeping Woman. It's a compilations of his short stories works. I was very absorbed about his writing. Last story I read was Folklore of My Generation. I could not take my eyes off from her. All of sudden, I found myself have very random thoughts about everything. About books, films, lives, travelings, my friends, human beings and many other things.
Generally speaking, there is no relation between Haruki Murakami's book and the name of this blog. Just, the name that suddenly appeared when I had finished reading that remarkable story.
This morning, on my way to office, I read Haruki Murakami's book, Blind Willow Sleeping Woman. It's a compilations of his short stories works. I was very absorbed about his writing. Last story I read was Folklore of My Generation. I could not take my eyes off from her. All of sudden, I found myself have very random thoughts about everything. About books, films, lives, travelings, my friends, human beings and many other things.
Generally speaking, there is no relation between Haruki Murakami's book and the name of this blog. Just, the name that suddenly appeared when I had finished reading that remarkable story.
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