Wednesday, 22 July 2009

No Subject

Last night, when I was reading The Best Women Travel Stories 2008, I found a very interesting quote by Anais Nin. She wrote, "Throw your life into spaces like a kite. You do not know what it bring back: a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country" I felt very touched.

My life becomes such a mess, lately. The mess is undefined. I don't know it. But, I can feel it. Very clear. I'm very bored with all life here. I wanna really throw my life into spaces, so I can fly like a kite. I just wanna travel far away from where I'm now. Maybe to a place like Madagascar. Yeah, I read some travel stories lately. I know what my passions are.

I do remember the Jhumpa Lahiri's novels. Either "The Third and Last Continent" or "The Namesake" They describe the life of people live in other countries. They have to struggle their native identity, and the identity of the host country. In Jhumpa's stories, Indian culture versus American culture. The first generation, still keep their native identity, but the second and third leave their father's and mother's identity.

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